Monday, 28 May 2012

Run for Bibles

I am a Follower of Christ who is passionate about spreading the Good News of Salvation and Running. Most often we need to make the time for all our interests and hobbies, in order to balance life.  In this project my passions meet…Instead of finding time for both separately, I get to do them together. Isn’t it wonderful when that happens?  

Comrades Marathon

The Comrades Marathon is an ultra marathon of approximately 90 km (approx. 56 miles) run in the Kwazulu-Natal Province of South Africa between the cities of Durban and Pietermaritzburg. It is the world's largest and oldest ultra marathon race. The direction of the race alternates each year between the "up" run (87 km) starting from Durban and the "down" run (89 km) starting from Pietermaritzburg.

The Comrades was run for the first time on 24 May 1921 and with the exception of a break during World War II, has been run every year since. The 2010 event was the 85th race. To date, over 300,000 runners have completed the race.

Bible Society of South Africa

This year I will be running the Comrades Marathon to raise funds for the Bible Society of South Africa ( The Bible Society is completely dependent on the prayer and financial support of Christians, churches, businesses and other organisations to fulfil its task to make affordable Bibles available to all.

How does the Run for Bibles project work?

You can sponsor an athlete per km they run or make a generous donation. All the money raised from this project will go directly to Bible Society and will be used to translate, produce and distribute affordable Bibles, including free Bible distribution in prisons and schools.

"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and the attitudes of heart." Heb 4:12

Some of the things that make me excited to be part of this Project (Recycled FB statusesJ)

One of Bible Society's goals for this year is to publish the Ndebele Bible before Christmas. Ndebele is the only South African language group that doesn't have a complete Bible in their language (They have the New Testament and Psalms). This Year I will be running the Comrades Marathon to fund this project.

The current IsiZulu bible is more than 50 years old. The language has evolved; it is like the King James Version to the youth. Bible Society has been working on a modern Zulu version. This year I will be running the Comrades marathon to fund this project.
 As a preacher I have used the New Sotho and English Bible to help Zulu people understand what the IsiZulu Bible words mean.

To all my friends that have given to the project financially thank you very much. To those who haven’t you’ve got plenty of time… 6 days to let me know and three weeks to get the money to me.

Six days to go to the big day, am I ready? I certainly don’t feel like I am.  I am experienced after completing both the Up and Down races (2010 & 2011) but still I am nervous. I am not even sure whether I’ve over-trained or undertrained. So this week I need to train my head to believe I’ve got what it takes.

Once again thank you to those who have sponsored my run, and to those who are still considering it. If you want to donate please email me: or call +2776 173 7736 or inbox me on Fb.

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