Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Introducing..."About Us"

Hi we are Bhuti and Jann Kheswa. Any difficulty with pronouncing our surname? Try this "Care-SWA"! We are passionate about the youth of Africa. We are using our gifts and talents to make a difference amongst the youth of our beautiful continent of Africa through J-Life Africa (  and Local Church involvement.

We have set up this blog to keep our supporters updated on what we are doing. You'll be able to partner with us by praying for specific things as we make our prayer needs known. We will also post answered prayer/praise items, so we can thank God together.

We aim to make this more that just updates. We want to minister to you our reader (by faith we have readers:) and challenge you to be missional in your sphere of influence. We hope God will use us to influence our readers for His Kingdom.    

We are both passionate about equipping young people and the church to fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. J-Life provides us with the opportunity to do this by training youth leaders and impacting the youth through camps, missions and schools ministry.

Our immediate community is also important to us and we desire to make a difference in it. Currently Bhuti helps run weekly church services for the farm staff. Jann is in the process of providing some extra tuition and educational resources to the kids on the farm.

One of our main responsibilities is oversight of the J-Life GC2 Beta group at Camp Eden. This is our One Year Internship programme and involves a variety of things from planning the training schedule, facilitating lectures and mentoring trainees.

In addition, we are part of a team of J-Life SA Trainers for GC2 Alpha groups. This requires us to recruit, train and coach a group of youth leaders through our four core modules. The whole process takes 12 – 18 months to complete.

Bhuti’s responsibilities also includes the marketing of J-Life to churches and pastors and recruiting for our training programmes. Jann does the administration for the training, facilitates visits of overseas teams and is also involved with doing school leadership training. Other J-Life events in which we are involved include STeM (our annual Short Term equipping Mission) and VAC Camp.

Where needed we are available to assist J-Life International in other countries across the African Continent.  

PS...In future posts we will elaborate on our personal stories, so look foward to hearing about where we are from, how we came to know and follow Jesus and also about our mission as a family. 

And this ladies and gentlemen is our first blog post...Love God, Love People and Make disciples (Matthew 22:37-40/28:18-20)

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