Wednesday, 19 October 2016

It's October!

On the home front

We are grateful to God who has been good to us as a family. He has blessed us with good health and surrounded us with tremendous supportive family and friends. We are richer and stronger because of the fellowship.

Bhuti has been running a bible study twice a week with some of the men on the farm. Others have shown interest in joining, please pray that we will be able to reach everyone with the gospel.

Youth Workers

The 26th September   saw our Youth Worker trainees return to Eden for their third and final training intensive. The first four days of this intensive was focused on multiplying disciples. The training covered the Multiplication module, with the focus on “bearing much fruit” (John 15:8) in our lives.  We focused intentionally on the disciple-making life-style because serving in a church, as part of their gap year, may cause a dependence on church structure and programmes for ministry. They may find it difficult to make disciples in the university, work place or wherever God calls them to. This was a reminder that our life is our ministry.


On the 30th September the Youth Workers were joined by friends and some of those they have been discipling for STeM (Short Term equipping Mission). The training for the short term mission lasted from Friday evening until Monday morning. The training prepared them for the mission they were about to do as well as equipping them for planning their own mission trip.

Training covered:
  • Purpose of a short term mission
  • How to share the Gospel
  • Summary of strategy 
  • Children Ministry
  • Ministry Opportunities during a mission trip
  • Crossing Cultures
  • Catering for a mission

We divided this group into two teams sending them to two communities in the East Rand

Team Tsakane

The team to Tsakane was hosted by The Nazarene Church. During the mission they got to run Holiday Bible Club for the kids, do sports ministry with teenagers, door to door evangelism and run a service. They all testify of seeing God at work through their team in the community and they grew through this experience. One of their highlights as a group was leading 18+ teenagers to Christ at the end of a soccer match.

Team Daveyton

This team was hosted by Chris and Happy Mnguni at Grace Baptist Church. Chris went through the J-Life training in 2006, then went on study theology through Christ Seminary and upon graduating he planted the church.  The team got to preach the gospel at a local clinic in the early morning, have a Holiday Bible Club, do door to door evangelism and run evangelistic services in the evenings.

Leadership Camps
This is also the season for school leadership camps. Jann has recently been involved in Grade 6 camps for Leicester Road and Jeugkrag Primary schools. Working with these kids is always good fun and a great opportunity to impact young leaders, helping them to make good choices and lead well.

Prayer items

  • Health, strength and provision
  • Opportunities to share the gospel with our neighbours
  • Opening to new churches and pastors fraternals
  • Quality Interns for 2017
  • Wisdom during interviews and selection

Upcoming Events

  • Youth Worker Debrief - December
  • VAC Fest - December
Thank you to all our supporters for your financial contributions and prayers.

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