Tuesday, 4 February 2014

New kid on this Blog

Hi All.

We trust that you are well and that your year has gotten off to a good start. Our prayer is that God will go ahead of you in all your ventures and that you will seek to bring Him glory in all you do.

We know He has great plans in store for us this year, and we are privileged to serve Him

We have so many things to share in our first blog post of 2014 so lets get down to it!

The new kid on this Blog: Ndumiso

On the 23rd of November 2013, Jann gave birth to our first born son, Ndumiso Luke Kheswa. The last two months have been such a blessing and a learning curve. We are so grateful to God who has given us the blessing and responsibility of raising a child.
(A few Pics)

My new favorite saying is: "Luuuuke I am your fatherrrrr"

                                    Recent pics of Ndumiso at the end of this post :-)


Maternity leave is quite an interesting time. Living on Camp Eden provides the opportunity to still have contact with what's happening without the regular time commitment and involvement. I must admit that it's taken me some time to get used to that and some days I miss being involved in the 'action' more than others. But motherhood is exciting and fulfilling and has a rhythm all of its own (like being up at 3am). My new boss does take up a LOT of time but I really can't resist that cute face:)


On January 11 we started training with our 2014 bunch of trainees. As per our custom,  we started our training intensive with a concentrated time of team building and goal setting. The trainees had hours with one another - building a shelter, cooking their own meals, completing challenges and solving puzzles. This is to build community, which is so vital in a life of a disciple. They also spent hours in solitude, connecting with God and setting goals.

This picture was taken before Betty from Uganda arrived, for those who will count the faces to double-check my maths.

There are 22 trainees from 7 different countries with us at the moment in three different streams.

Coaching Team and Youth Worker

These are the trainees doing the Gap Year Program / Beta GC2 . They will be back and forth between their churches and our training centre. This year we have three training intensives and the rest of their time will be spent doing practicals in churches, school and communities. 
Already in the final week of their first intensive, they leave for their churches on 8 February 2014.

African Initiative

These are the Trainees who are sent by existing J-Life Country leaders, as a way of growing their Country Team or come as a Pioneer from a country  where J-Life has no presence . Their training is three months long. Please be praying that they will be able to soak up all they have been sent to learn so that they can add value to their country teams.

Bethel College Semester Abroad

For the first time this year we have four students from Bethel College, Indiana doing a Semester abroad with us. They are spending the first training intensive with us at Camp Eden and thereafter will be involved in different communities, learning and doing ministry in diverse settings.

I have a lot of fun teaching these guys Isizulu. I confess sometimes they think its Zulu, but its actually my mother tongue (Rubbish/nonsense).

Thank you all for your continued financial and prayer support of our ministry. Inkosi inibusise.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him,
so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” 

Romans 15:13

Prayer Points:

Jann as she spends most of her day with Ndumiso.
GC2 recruiting and training 
J-Life International Summit 20 - 28 February

It's bath Time = Yiskhat' sokugeza

Play time

Ubaba nendodana

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