Wednesday, 13 March 2013

J-Life Summit 2013

We meet together as the J-Life Africa family from all over this beautiful continent once a year at our Summit here on Camp Eden. J-Life Country leaders, some of their team as well as board members represent their countries. This is a time of refreshing, catching up with one another, fellowship, accountability and setting goals. We also have ministry partners from Africa and other continents join us in this time - what a blessing for us and them as we share together.

J-Life 2013 Summit Delegates
There was a lot to celebrate as we are currently ahead of our target number of youth leaders we want to train by 2016. God has opened doors for us, more than we dreamt of. For this we praise God.
However, we are also experiencing road blocks in the passing on of our training. It seems the leaders we are training are not training others as projected by our target. This is a great concern to us and we spent a lot of time sharing ideas on how to change this. Please pray that we will find reliable men and women who will pass it on.

J-Life is currently in 20 of the 54 African countries. All these are at different stages of growth and development.

Chico, J-Life Mozambique Initiator
Chico is a young Mozambican who is in training as the country initiator into Mozambique. We are very excited about the prospects of the work starting up there. One of our trainers had done some training in the country already, but we are looking forward to watch what God will do with someone permanently on the ground. Please do pray for Chico as he heads back at the end of March to impact his country for Christ.

Another huge blessing during this year's Summit was the prayer team. Michael and Pam Hudson came out to pray with and for us. They led devotions and prayer in the morning, as we prayed for our families, communities, countries and continents. They spent hours in prayer, interceding and covering us in prayer. Moreover they spent time praying for and with the leaders. Everybody left the summit ready to go do ministry, bold, because we know we are covered in prayer.

When you know you are covered in prayer, you are free from worries, and you're able to focus on the mission. When I (Bhuti) served in Tanzania for example, John, Tara and Jann used to sms in the morning letting me know they are praying for me. That freed me from worrying about malaria and other things. I just concentrated on what God called me to do there for that time.(That does not mean I became careless, No. I still used mosquito repellent, put on closed shoes and slept under a mosquito net every night. I just never wasted energy worrying).

Please keep us in your prayers. If you would like to be pray for us regularly and specifically, drop us an email and we'll get our monthly prayer calendar to you. The email address is

Til next time.. Be blessed and a blessing

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