Friday, 25 October 2013

Catching up with XJs

This is the first in a series of conversations with XJs (someone who's been through the J-Life training programme).

I (Bhuti) recently caught up with Sifiso Nkosi, who was on J-Life Team 2009.  He is currently studying towards his B.Ed (final year) at the University of Johannesburg and is the youth leader at his local church. We chat every now and then via Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp. In one of our chats I put these questions to him.

Sifiso during a teambuilding activity

Bhuti: How did you hear about J-Life? What made you choose to do the year?

Sifiso: I heard about J-Life through the guys who were doing Coaching team (a J-Life ministry team) in my neighborhood and through my mentor/discipler. After matric I did not want to go straight to university because I felt I was not ready and I was undecided on what to study. So I chose to take a gap year but I wanted to do something during that year that would help me grow holistically as a person. J-Life was the better option for me.

Bhuti: What are some valuable lessons you learned?
Sifiso: I learned a lot of valuable lessons, for instance the importance of taking everything you do seriously and doing your best at everything. These lessons are still working for me as a University student and play a pivotal role in me being one of the best students. Moreover, I have also learned the importance of prioritizing -  that God should be in the center of it all, and that whatever I am doing should involve God. As a result the decisions that I take are guided by him 'cause I have learned to put him in the center of it all.

Bhuti: Would you recommend the program to young people? Why?
Sifiso: I would definitely recommend this to someone. J-Life is a good place for one to first have an encounter with God and find his/her identity in him. Also J-Life is a conducive environment where you learn not only about the matters of the kingdom but it will also help you grow holistically as a person.

Are YOU thinking about taking a "Gap Year" for personal development and figuring out what you want to do with the rest of your life?

As part of our training you will:
  • grow closer to God - study the life of Jesus intensely, learn different spiritual disciplines
  • get to know yourself better - discover and understand your personality and gifting and what you are passionate about. All this will enable you to make informed and wise career choices.

J-Life South Africa offers you an unique opportunity to spend your year receiving quality youth ministry and leadership training, as well as practically applying what you’ve learned. Join a community of young leaders from Africa and around the globe learning about making disciples.

Training starts January 2014

Not just a “Gap Year” but a Year for the rest of your Life

Get the application form here

Contact us
Cell: +2784 240 0204

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

STeM 2013 Outreach

I had so much fun being part of what God is doing in the lives of the STeM trainees and our host community.  We were hosted by the Church of the Nazarene in Duduza. The local youth welcomed us and made us feel at home. They were with us in everything we did, there was no us and them. We were one team from the start to the end. We really had GOOD times.

2013 STeM Team

We enjoyed ample times of fellowship. We lived together. Worked alongside each other. Ate together. Prayed together. Played together. The only alone time was your toilet visit, provided there was no one in the next stall. Whether be it working or relaxing, we were always together.

In our family times around supper, rest and devotions, we enjoyed what we call "DMC's", deep meaningful conversation. We spoke at length about Christianity, fruits of the Spirit, romantic relationships. Politics, drugs and alcohol, race and racism, our history and future.

Yes we lived, laughed and learnt together. I even recall a few heated debates. You know the debates where white kids turn red with anger and the black kids sweat under their armpits? Everybody standing their ground. How beautiful. In all this we all grew.


As Christians we believe that we are ambassadors of Christ, salt, light and witnesses in the world. But some of us have never shared our faith with anyone.  
During the outreach we spent two afternoons doing street evangelism. I intentionally planned our first one before we did the training on evangelism. Most guys had some evangelism training and had shared their faith before. But those who did not have that experience were thrown in the deep end. We had an awesome time on the streets. A few guys gave their lives to Christ.
On Monday afternoon we did evangelism training and went out to the street again. This time everyone had training and confidence.

STeM trainees joined the Duduza youth choir, singing "Ngcwele, ngcwele Somandla"
We had awesome times of corporate worship. Most of the songs were in isiZulu so the white kids and non South African black kids did not always understand the words but their spirit resonated.

Times of SERVICE
Community service at a local clinic

On Tuesday afternoon we went to a local clinic for a community service project. By this time into our mission the guys were getting tired. Although going into this project their energy levels were low they all had good attitudes and were determined to finish strong. Steven (our very own "Boer Seun") had motivated us to " it all for the glory of God." (1 Cor 10:31).
So we all cheerfully and willingly cleaned the facility knowing that it was an act of worship.


Learning how to share our faith with other.
We started every morning with group devotion. In these times we were learning about the fruits of the spirit.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such there is no law." (Galatians 5:22-23)
We were challenging each other to reflect these in our actions and reactions.  
On Monday afternoon we spent time learning how to share our faith with others.

Statistically what we did in Duduza pales in comparison with crime rates, substance abuse, unemployment and other problems facing the youth of this township. "Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope...those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." Robert Kennedy.

Our theme verse for STeM was "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21). Everything we did over those 5 days counted for good and for God's kingdom.

Thank you for your prayer support during our STeM training and outreach.  Bhuti.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Ministry News

Keeping up with the Kheswa's

Hi all.

We trust that you are well and keeping warm during the winter. Or alternatively, enjoying the warmth and sunshine (finally) for our friends in the northern hemisphere.

These last few months have been quite busy for us. Thank you to all who have prayed and encouraged us in different ways. We could not do what we do each day without your support.

[You] are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.    Philip 4v18-19    

Six Week Programme (25 May-6 July)

Left to Right: Dineo, Amy, Mandla and Steven

This is a condensed version of our year long Youth Ministry training, catering for those who are unable to give a whole year. Although it is a shorter version, it still has the whole experience of community life, studying the life of Christ, personal development and youth ministry training.
The theoretical training is interspersed with practical ministry experience.
Some of the things they get involved in is working in an orphanage, run a kids camp and go on a short term mission (Read more on  STeM below).

Training in the North West

Bhuti had the privilege of conducting youth leader training with Makgale and Buang in a town called Pella in the rural North West. This is Buang's home town. She recruited the leaders and organised the training. 15 leaders had  committed to doing the training but because of lack of funds we ended up training 7 of them. The others will still be able to receive the training as Buang has a catch up strategy in place for those who were not able to attend. She will do the training with them in small increments, to cut cost and time constraints.

We will return to the North West after 3-4 Months for our second module (Foundations). In the meantime those we trained will implement it in their local communities as well as pass on  the training. Please keep them in your prayers.

Third Intesive
Our One Year Programme Trainees are back on the farm for their third training intensive. It is great to hear stories of how God is using them, how ministry is stretching them and to witness their growth. They are an encouragement to us -  seeing how far they have come, what God is doing in and through them. It gives us fresh passion to be faithful to what God called us to do: "Impact Youth, Impact Africa" 
One Year Programme trainees and Six weeks Interns

Looking ahead...Events to pray for.

STeM (Short Term equipping Mission) is our annual 10 days mission that we run during the winter. The main aim is to EQUIP our trainees to organise and run mission trips with their Youth Ministries. As part of their year with us they are required to plan and run a mission trip.
June 24th - 27th: Training at Camp Eden on how to plan and run a STM
June 28th -July 3rd:  Outreach in a local community to implement the training.

Sports Camp
This will be the second year of our Sports Camp on Camp Eden. Bronson and the team are targeting 80 campers in Grades 8-12. Last year the camp had a significant impact on the youth people who attended. We are praying for that to continue this year. Please do pray for the camp staff as this is an extremely busy week for them. They get to be parent, friend, mentor, counsellor and sports coach all in the short space of 7 days!

SML Group
St Mary's Longfleet, a church from Poole in the UK, will be visiting us again this year. They are bringing a group of 25 young people and adults to spend a month in South Africa and Mozambique. Half of the group are emerging leaders and will study some of our core J-Life training material. The other half will spend that same time working through a discipleship course. Other things planned during their time with us are outreach in Ratanda Ext 23 and service on Camp Eden.

God is doing great things all across this beautiful continent. We are blessed to play this small part in his grand plan. Til next time

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Go and bear much fruit!

“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will be qualified to teach others” 2 Tim 2:2

From left: David, Amanda, Eric, Zoe, Hope and Chico 

These guys have come to the end of their training period here in Camp Eden and are ready for the field. Please pray for them.
Hope and David from Nigeria were sent here for training by Emem, who is the J-Life Nigeria leader. They are going back to join him and the team in country. They will help with promotion and training and also recruiting and training other trainers to send to other regions. Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa, with an estimated population of 170 Million.
Eric is returning to the team in Rwanda. His roles include training, translating and promoting. Because he is a lawyer, he is also facilitating the J-Life Rwanda registration process.
Chico (Mozambique), Amanda (South Sudan), Desire (Gabon, not in picture) and Zoe (Liberia) are going back to their respective countries as J-Life initiators.  
This is how you can be praying for them:  
  • As they build a team, pray that God will provide them with others to join their teams. “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9: 37-38
  • Pray for open doors as they meet pastors and denominational leaders. Col 4:3
  • Pray that they will be able to raise the required support.
Please keep them in your prayers especially over the next 3 months as they find they feet and adjust their lives. Thank you for joining with us in impacting youth in Africa.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Commitment to a cause

Just a browse of the social media, will prove that people are aware of all, maybe most, of the social ills. Things that need to change. There are pages, and hashtags for :

Equal Education, Access to Clean Water, Justice for All, Affordable Health Care, #HumanRights, #EarthHour, #StopRape, Democracy, @GenderEquality #HumanTraffickin, Child Soldiers #ModernDaySlavey #PoliceBrutality etc.

We don’t need more visionaries to change our communities, we need people who are committed to a cause. Hit and run only highlights issues, we need more than that if we are to cause true and lasting transformation.

Unfortunately we are cultivating a culture of just highlighting and hoping those in charge will act. We don’t have to put our money where our mouths are, all we do is raise the issue. To get world leaders to agree on peace, to make education accessible to all, save our planet, etc. all we need to do is sign a petition. Add your signature. Add your voice.  

We copy and paste a status to show we care, change our avatar and add our #voice.  

We are not required to invest or sacrifice our time or resources. In some cases we may be required to donate our time, talents and resources. Donate - not sacrifice.

If we are to see change, it will cost more than a donation, it may cost us our lives. Nelson Mandela can tell you that the long walk to freedom was not a walk in the park. There was a price to pay, a sacrifice to be made. He said “It is an ideal for which I am willing to die”. We need to be committed to a cause, not just pay lip service or tweet about.

Choose causes close to your heart, and dedicate your life to fighting the injustices. William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army said, “While women weep as they do now, I’ll fight. While little children go hungry as they do now, I’ll fight. While men go into prison in and out, in and out, I’ll fight. While there yet remains one soul without the light of God, I’ll fight. I’ll fight to the very end”. Find something that you are willing do more that just tweet or Facebook about.

I love the book of Nehemiah, because it shows how Nehemiah combines prayer with action to achieve his goal.

“Commitment does not guarantee the rightness of a cause, but it does determine the likelihood of any cause making a difference. Committed people make history. They live in alignment with their deeply held beliefs…they are in tension with the world around them because they have an agenda for change”. (Steve Addison in Movements that change the world)

Final thought:
You cannot call yourself a change agent or social entrepreneur if you are not willing to pay the price. All you really are is a “Daydreamer”.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

J-Life Summit 2013

We meet together as the J-Life Africa family from all over this beautiful continent once a year at our Summit here on Camp Eden. J-Life Country leaders, some of their team as well as board members represent their countries. This is a time of refreshing, catching up with one another, fellowship, accountability and setting goals. We also have ministry partners from Africa and other continents join us in this time - what a blessing for us and them as we share together.

J-Life 2013 Summit Delegates
There was a lot to celebrate as we are currently ahead of our target number of youth leaders we want to train by 2016. God has opened doors for us, more than we dreamt of. For this we praise God.
However, we are also experiencing road blocks in the passing on of our training. It seems the leaders we are training are not training others as projected by our target. This is a great concern to us and we spent a lot of time sharing ideas on how to change this. Please pray that we will find reliable men and women who will pass it on.

J-Life is currently in 20 of the 54 African countries. All these are at different stages of growth and development.

Chico, J-Life Mozambique Initiator
Chico is a young Mozambican who is in training as the country initiator into Mozambique. We are very excited about the prospects of the work starting up there. One of our trainers had done some training in the country already, but we are looking forward to watch what God will do with someone permanently on the ground. Please do pray for Chico as he heads back at the end of March to impact his country for Christ.

Another huge blessing during this year's Summit was the prayer team. Michael and Pam Hudson came out to pray with and for us. They led devotions and prayer in the morning, as we prayed for our families, communities, countries and continents. They spent hours in prayer, interceding and covering us in prayer. Moreover they spent time praying for and with the leaders. Everybody left the summit ready to go do ministry, bold, because we know we are covered in prayer.

When you know you are covered in prayer, you are free from worries, and you're able to focus on the mission. When I (Bhuti) served in Tanzania for example, John, Tara and Jann used to sms in the morning letting me know they are praying for me. That freed me from worrying about malaria and other things. I just concentrated on what God called me to do there for that time.(That does not mean I became careless, No. I still used mosquito repellent, put on closed shoes and slept under a mosquito net every night. I just never wasted energy worrying).

Please keep us in your prayers. If you would like to be pray for us regularly and specifically, drop us an email and we'll get our monthly prayer calendar to you. The email address is

Til next time.. Be blessed and a blessing

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Jan-Feb News

Today is already the 5th day in February! We hope that the year has got off to a good start for you. Thank you to all of you who have been faithful supporters of ours over the years. We really do value and appreciate your partnership with us.
To those new partners who have just come on board – Welcome! Thank you for agreeing to join our ministry team in different ways. We hope to be a blessing to you as you are a blessing to us.

12 Jan 2013 saw 24 young leaders from 7 different countries came together at Camp Eden for Youth Ministry Training. In true J-Life style we kicked off the year with Bush Camp, which is always great fun. After a few days in the bush all the trainees returned to Camp Eden. The very next morning 11 trainees left for River Valley in Margate. This is the second training base for South Africa and we are all very excited. God is growing the movement and we look forward to what He’s planned for Margate.

This weekend, the South African trainees leave to start their ministry in 10 churches in 4 provinces (Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal and Eastern Cape). Please pray that the Lord will give them wisdon to implement what they have been learning.

Over the past few weeks we have been extremely blessed by donations pouring in to help us buy a car. This started at VAC Camp in December when at the end of camp the teenagers gave nearly R7000. We were very excited to collect our Toyota Tazz this past week!!! Thank you to everyone who gave generously. It’s still a bit hard to believe. Thanks especially to Jeff and Rose Flynn.

This year, one of our main goals is to do much better at communicating with you, our ministry partners. With this in mind we will be sending you a monthly prayer calendar so that you can be in prayer with us for the things happening in each month. We look forward to hearing some comments or feedback. Please also do send us any prayer requests you have.

Below are some of our plans for the next 2-3 months. Please do pray with us that we will be good stewards of all the resources God has entrusted to us so that we accomplish all that we believe He has set out for us to do

• Work with International trainees at Camp Eden (Jan-March)
• Promotions for new GC2 groups
• Start 3 new GC2 groups – one each for the East Rand, North West and Limpopo
• Set up of tutor system for the kids on the farm
• Promotional visit in Port Elizabeth and surrounds
• Set up of ergo nextgen, a schools ministry platform

Some personal thoughts…
From Jann: I’ve really been challenged to live a disciplined life this year in order to have a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Distractions from within and without constantly compete for my time and energies. At the same time I’m learning to rely more on the Holy Spirit instead of my own abilities. A fine line, I must admit and some days are better than others. But I’m excited to be on this journey. Please feel free to send me any advice, encouragement, etc

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

2012…from the rearview mirror

Can you believe it? The year is over. As we spend time on holiday, reflecting on the past year, seeing what God has done in and through us, we feel so privileged to be part of what God is doing. We are also grateful to God for you, family and friends, for your support and prayers. You all have been a blessing to us through generous giving, encouragement and prayers. Siyabonga Inkosi inibusise.   
Trainees 2012
At the beginning of this month (Dec 2012), this year’s group of trainees met for a time of debrief and evaluation. Bhuti and Skip and Tina Smith accompanied the students down to the Berg for their final time together this year. During the hike the students shared their highlights of the year and lessons they’ve learnt. It is a tremendous privilege to observe the growth that takes place in their lives through the year.

Missions groups

During the second half of this year we hosted a group from Charity Baptist in North Carolina, USA. The group was mostly teens and we had a great time taking them into Siyathemba to do Lifeskills lessons in 2 different primary schools there. It was good to watch them becoming more confident in sharing themselves with the kids in the classrooms as well as with each other.



In August we hosted a team of 60 from St Mary’s Longfleet in Poole, UK. This was quite a challenge for us as we’ve never had a missions group this big before. For 6 days during their stay a smaller group stayed at Camp Eden, while the other groups moved to Lanseria and White River to works at orphanages there. The team that stayed with us were able to a variety of things that included a course on relationships in iSifiso Sethu High School in Siyathemba, kids ministry and the Alpha course in Ratanda Extension 23 and building a ‘Survivor-type’ challenge on the campsite. Many of the teens on the mission belong to a dance ministry of the church and the impact the trip made on them will be my lasting memory.
GC2 training
This has been a great journey for us. As we train and coach youth leaders for implementation. And we not just using the word ‘journey’ to sound cool, it really is a journey (Four Module, four session over a year to a year and half). We are currently training two groups. Our first group was made up of youth leaders all from township churches. All these guys have found it difficult to implement the training as it is a new concept in their church culture. We have slowed down the process so we can help them find a way to introduce and implement the training.
Our other group is made up of youth leaders and pastors from the Presbyterian churches in Jo’burg. There is a dire need among these churches for trained leadership.  We have had great discussions around Jesus’s life and its impact on ministry during our times together. As most of these churches are in the beginning stages of youth ministry the going is slow but we pray that we are helping to lay a healthy foundation.
VAC Camp
What an amazing five days! Well, each year I usually lose about 10 days before and during VACJ God really moved in a powerful way amongst everyone on camp. Bhuti and I had the awesome opportunity of being part of the team of camp speakers. I initially thought the idea of me speaking at VAC ludicrous but became convinced that this was what I needed to do. Getting up on stage and facing 350 people was definitely daunting but in the end I did have fun. And got some good responses from those who were listening.
 At the end of camp a collection was taken to help us buy a car. It came to nearly R7 000! Thanks to everyone who gave so generously. Thanks to the rest of the VAC Crew for their obedience in all things – big and small.
We spent a lot of our time establishing new relationships with church leaders and promoting J-Life, with the hopes of increasing our network and impact. We made inroads in the North West and Limpopo provinces, where we have not done a lot of training. In both these provinces we have potential GC2 groups to start in the New Year.
At the beginning of November we had the pleasure of visiting the site where training will start in 2013 and helping Donovan Olding conduct interviews with potential trainees. The training will run from River Valley Nature Reserve along the iVongo River, another example of God’s beautiful creation.

Note: On 2013 we will blog better (It's our new years resolution). Please drop us an email if you would like to receive our newsletter and prayer request calender. email: or or

Added on 23 Jan 2013: Expect our January edition soon. Exciting things are already happening as we are in our second week of training in both our training centres, Camp Eden (where we are based) and Rivervalley (Margate).