Thursday, 4 March 2021

Ministry Update

Home front

A big thank you to all our supporters, friends and family for your continued support and intercessory prayer. We are grateful to God for life and good health. During this ongoing pandemic we cannot take good health for granted.

We are slowly finding our rhythm after having been away from home for 6 weeks, running the ministry training intensive. We are currently playing catch up on our admin and other ministry responsibilities that took a backseat during this time. Please pray for wisdom as we plan what the rest of the year looks like. Training and ministry looks a bit different at the moment, but our mission is still the same: make disciples. With the current restrictions in mind, we would like to set up some training with local pastors and ministry leaders. Please pray that God will open doors to new churches and communities. 

We reached a milestone in our marriage recently as we celebrated our 10 year anniversary on the 12th of February. We bless God for his goodness in our lives. We pray that God will grow us in our love for one another, and that we will glorify Him through our marriage, be an example to our kids and those He brings to our lives.    

The boys loved their time at the training centre because they had lots of people to interact with. Ndumiso started Grade 2 on the 13th of January. We were all excited that he was finally going back to in person classes with physical distancing and all precautionary measures in place. He had been doing online school since the beginning of lockdown in March 2020 and was keen to be back at school.  We were happy because it meant we don't have to juggle home schooling and running the ministry intensive. Well, he went to school for 3 days when the Department of Basic Education suggested that the reopening of schools be postponed because the country was in the middle of a 2nd wave of Covid19 infections. That meant he was home for 2 weeks doing online school. He has been back at school since the beginning on February and he is enjoying it. 

GC2 Internship 

On the 10th of January we started our 6 week Intensive training with 7 ministry interns. It is always exciting to welcome a new group, get to know them and journey with them over 6 weeks. During the intensive we spend a whole lot of time praying together, doing devotions, having meals, doing household chores and ministry training classes. This allows us to get into each others' lives, hold one another accountable and challenge each other to be more like Jesus. A beautiful thing about community life is that we are all at different commitment levels so we can inspire and learn from one another. Yet another reality is that disciplemaking, like raising kids, is a messy process. We had our hands full, and we saw God at work. The interns were trained in the first two of our core modules and other J-Life supplementary training for being and making disciples. 

In the end, 6 weeks feels short because there was more to be done, issues to addressed, habits to challenge. We have to be reminded that we are only playing a tiny role in what God is doing in the lives of the interns. God was at work in their lives before they came to us, so we have to believe that "... he who began a good work in the lives of these interns will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6

Due to Covid19 restrictions we were unable to do practical ministry training, like service projects, schools ministry, etc. We were able however to have a few guest teachers come in to invest in the lives of the interns. We had Chris de Castro teach on Prayer and Hearing God's voice, Sifiso Nkosi taught Basics of Counselling Youth and Zak Mbete did an introduction to Apologetics. 

Scripture Union

Peter Nutall from Scripture Union spent 4 days equipping the interns for children, youth and schools ministries.  It was a huge blessing that Peter was able to travel and be with us in person. We appreciate him and Scripture Union for their partnership and investment into these young people. 

SU? For nearly 100 years Scripture Union has been at the forefront of bringing transformation in the lives of young people reaching them through Schools ministry, Holiday Bible clubs and Camps. J-Life partners with SU to bring this training to our trainees. The training given will enable our interns to run School Christian Groups and present life skills lessons in schools. Visit: to learn more about Scripture Union South Africa. 

Extra Pics

Nathi training on how to use sports to reach and disciple youth

Team building 

City People in the bush 😆

Team Building
