Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Ministry during Lockdown

Greetings friends, family and ministry partners. 

Home Front   
Getting cold in Camp Eden

We having been spending A LOT of time at home:) South Africa went into a hard lockdown on the 26th March. Ndumiso's school started their holidays a few days earlier and we've all been home since then.
We are very grateful to live on Camp Eden at time like this. It is a great blessing to be able to have the kids play outside and enjoy the greater outdoors as a family.
Life in general is not that much different for us as a family, other than having both kids around for the whole day. 

Ndumiso's school went online at the beginning of the second term. So for the past 6 weeks and counting we have been homeschooling. He is doing well and coping with the schoolwork. They have one class on Zoom per week, and he enjoys seeing his school friends.

Ministry during lockdown

The lockdown has not changed much of what we do day to day. Our J-Life South Africa team is scattered across the country, so we were already using Zoom for team meetings and staff development. It has however affected visiting our trainees and conducting our disciplemaking training in churches. This has not been an easy hurdle.

GC2 Internship 2020
Training J-Life via Zoom

As the country is still on lockdown due to Covid19 we had to move our training online. We had our first training session over Zoo
m on the 11th May. Initially we are having 3 training sessions per week. We plan to add times of prayer, devotions and fellowship as we get used to this new normal. Praise God for technology that allows us to continue the journey with our Youth Workers.

Obviously we are new to the online format, so we are on a learning curve and finding our digital feet. That said we've had great training sessions, interaction and fun.

In addition to our training we have started a Book Club with the trainees. We aim to read a book together every 2 weeks. Interns will write a summary of each book highlighting their take away from the book and how they plan to implement what they've learned. So although we miss the fellowship of being together at Camp Eden (and the practical jokes), we are excited about the opportunities that come with doing things differently.

Regional Ministry

At our J-Life Summit in Cape Town this past February one of our southern Africa resolutions was a monthly prayer meeting via Zoom. Due to the pandemic we all felt it will be good to pray together more often. We have been gathering for prayer every second Friday. The J-Life countries in the region are Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and South Africa. In these prayer meetings we also take time to share best practices for doing ministry during these times. 

Before the pandemic I was planning to visit Lesotho in May to train a group of Pastors. The travelling plans are temporarily on pause. Please pray that we can deepen relationships with pastors in Lesotho and start with the training online. 


Covid19 has turned all the norms upside down. We all currently find ourselves living in a new abnormal. There is a lot of uncertainty about our lives, livelihoods, jobs and businesses. We will do well to pray for each other and our world. Please let us know any specific prayer request you have. We are praying for you.  

Jann and Ntando chilling