Thursday, 16 April 2015


Hi family and friends, and curious blog visitors J

I (Bhuti) will be travelling along with many of our J-Life colleagues from across the continent, to attend the Global Youth Initiative Summit and Study Tour in Israel. We are scheduled to visit a lot of historic and biblical sites all over Israel and learn more about Jesus. Please pray for us during our travels and studies. We'll arrive in Israel early on the 18th April and the tour ends on 30th April.

About the Global Youth Initiative: GYI is an alliance of organizations and strategic leaders around the globe who are passionate about seeing this next generation reached and mobilized for the cause of Christ and the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Prayer Points:

  • Safety getting to Israel for the whole J-Life contingent
  • All of our travel in country
  • Healthy bodies and sharp minds
  • Open hearts for what the Holy Spirit wants to teach each one of us
  • Excellent peer learning with brothers and sisters from around the world
  • Weather: That it may allow us to visit all sites and conducive for learning.
  • A continued lull in tensions between the Arabs and Israelis.

GYI Summit on FaceBook- We would love you to follow the stories and adventures of the GYI Summit on Facebook. We’ve created a special page just for the event. This will be a great way to see daily images and track us on Google maps. Please “Like Us” and “get notifications” at:

You can also join the conversation on Twitter: @gyimovement #gyisummit
When I have access to wifi I’ll tweet some of my personal highlights @bhutizak

I'm really excited for this opportunity and looking forward to learning a lot. 

Thursday, 2 April 2015

As time MARCHes on

This weekend marks another Easter weekend. I’ve been struck by the thought that we celebrate Christ’s death. That seems a bit strange to me. Usually we celebrate someone’s birth or something significant about their lives, but seldomly (if ever) their death. Yet with Christ we find reason to celebrate everything – his birth, life, death and ultimately his resurrection. The resurrection is the reason we CAN celebrate the rest. Christ conquered sin AND death giving each of us who believe in him, not only hope, but the power to do the same. The same Spirit and power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives in us (Romans 8:11)! Wow!!

What’s been happening in our corner of the world..

Vision 2020
A representative group of J-Life team members from across the continent met at Camp Eden for 5 days of listening and waiting on God. It’s always a special time when the bigger family gathers and this was no different. We spent time listening and connecting with God about where he is taking us over the next 5 years. It was an encouraging time as he reaffirmed many things that we are passionate about as well as challenging us to BE disciplemakers and not just DO training of disciplemakers.
Please continue to keep this visioning process in your prayers as the team works to synthesise and refine everything we heard and discussed during this week.

Coaching teams and youth workers
All our interns have been in their respective communities for just over a month now. We’ve been able to connect with the team at Heron Bridge Community Church as well as some of the youth workers back at their home churches. It’s been encouraging to see their desire to implement what they’ve learned and what they’re doing. They’ve started to experience some of the realities and challenges of doing ministry as well as dealing with challenges that life throws at them.  Please pray with us for them and for us too as we coach them through the joys and pains.

Additions to Camp Eden team
At the beginning of March we had some additions to the team on Camp Eden. We welcomed back Makgale who’s worked with us at different times in the past. This time he’s joined the campsite team who are responsible for running and maintaining the campsite.
We also welcomed the Kochan family from Iowa, USA - Rob, Jeanie and their 4 boys Tate, Austin, Tanner and Hudson. Ndumiso now has 4 big brothers to play with!

Ndumiso with Tanner, Austin and Hudson

GC2 Training
Bhuti and Leaders he is training.

Bhuti had a great time taking his group from Finetown and Walkerville through Vision (the 3rd module in a series of 4) on 20 and 21 March at Camp Eden. We enjoyed connecting beyond the classroom as they were able to spend some time having meals in our home and even saw a snake.


On 14 and 28 March,  I (Bhuti) and Makgale (Pictured above) started  co-training a group of youth leaders and a church planter.  Makgale was my mentor way back in 2003, when he was a part of a J-Life team serving in my home town. They took me on two mission trips that I always point back to as my “burning bush” experience. That was my first taste of youth ministry, and I got hooked. Now I have the pleasure of returning the favour, as I help coach Makgale through the GC2 process. Please keep us in your prayers as we train and coach this group from Duduza, Tsakane and Jameson Park in the East Rand.  Pray also for Makgale as he learns the ropes.

In April, Bhuti will be part of the J-Life group travelling to Israel for the GYI study tour and conference.  We heard this week that everyone has been granted visas for the trip. Thank you Lord! Please pray for safe travelling and significant times spent learning more about the life of Christ. The group will be travelling from South Africa on 17th April and returning on 30th April.
If a trip to Israel is something you are interested in, J-Life is planning a supporters trip for 2016. Please contact Jann ( if you’d like to part of this.
While Bhuti is away in Israel, Ndumiso and I will be down in Port Elizabeth, spending time with my family.

An exciting opportunity for young people. Join us for a short term internship this winter (summer in the Northern Hemisphere;) Please contact the office for more info or an application form 
+2784 240 0204.