Thursday, 27 June 2013

Ministry News

Keeping up with the Kheswa's

Hi all.

We trust that you are well and keeping warm during the winter. Or alternatively, enjoying the warmth and sunshine (finally) for our friends in the northern hemisphere.

These last few months have been quite busy for us. Thank you to all who have prayed and encouraged us in different ways. We could not do what we do each day without your support.

[You] are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.    Philip 4v18-19    

Six Week Programme (25 May-6 July)

Left to Right: Dineo, Amy, Mandla and Steven

This is a condensed version of our year long Youth Ministry training, catering for those who are unable to give a whole year. Although it is a shorter version, it still has the whole experience of community life, studying the life of Christ, personal development and youth ministry training.
The theoretical training is interspersed with practical ministry experience.
Some of the things they get involved in is working in an orphanage, run a kids camp and go on a short term mission (Read more on  STeM below).

Training in the North West

Bhuti had the privilege of conducting youth leader training with Makgale and Buang in a town called Pella in the rural North West. This is Buang's home town. She recruited the leaders and organised the training. 15 leaders had  committed to doing the training but because of lack of funds we ended up training 7 of them. The others will still be able to receive the training as Buang has a catch up strategy in place for those who were not able to attend. She will do the training with them in small increments, to cut cost and time constraints.

We will return to the North West after 3-4 Months for our second module (Foundations). In the meantime those we trained will implement it in their local communities as well as pass on  the training. Please keep them in your prayers.

Third Intesive
Our One Year Programme Trainees are back on the farm for their third training intensive. It is great to hear stories of how God is using them, how ministry is stretching them and to witness their growth. They are an encouragement to us -  seeing how far they have come, what God is doing in and through them. It gives us fresh passion to be faithful to what God called us to do: "Impact Youth, Impact Africa" 
One Year Programme trainees and Six weeks Interns

Looking ahead...Events to pray for.

STeM (Short Term equipping Mission) is our annual 10 days mission that we run during the winter. The main aim is to EQUIP our trainees to organise and run mission trips with their Youth Ministries. As part of their year with us they are required to plan and run a mission trip.
June 24th - 27th: Training at Camp Eden on how to plan and run a STM
June 28th -July 3rd:  Outreach in a local community to implement the training.

Sports Camp
This will be the second year of our Sports Camp on Camp Eden. Bronson and the team are targeting 80 campers in Grades 8-12. Last year the camp had a significant impact on the youth people who attended. We are praying for that to continue this year. Please do pray for the camp staff as this is an extremely busy week for them. They get to be parent, friend, mentor, counsellor and sports coach all in the short space of 7 days!

SML Group
St Mary's Longfleet, a church from Poole in the UK, will be visiting us again this year. They are bringing a group of 25 young people and adults to spend a month in South Africa and Mozambique. Half of the group are emerging leaders and will study some of our core J-Life training material. The other half will spend that same time working through a discipleship course. Other things planned during their time with us are outreach in Ratanda Ext 23 and service on Camp Eden.

God is doing great things all across this beautiful continent. We are blessed to play this small part in his grand plan. Til next time