Thursday, 4 March 2021

Ministry Update

Home front

A big thank you to all our supporters, friends and family for your continued support and intercessory prayer. We are grateful to God for life and good health. During this ongoing pandemic we cannot take good health for granted.

We are slowly finding our rhythm after having been away from home for 6 weeks, running the ministry training intensive. We are currently playing catch up on our admin and other ministry responsibilities that took a backseat during this time. Please pray for wisdom as we plan what the rest of the year looks like. Training and ministry looks a bit different at the moment, but our mission is still the same: make disciples. With the current restrictions in mind, we would like to set up some training with local pastors and ministry leaders. Please pray that God will open doors to new churches and communities. 

We reached a milestone in our marriage recently as we celebrated our 10 year anniversary on the 12th of February. We bless God for his goodness in our lives. We pray that God will grow us in our love for one another, and that we will glorify Him through our marriage, be an example to our kids and those He brings to our lives.    

The boys loved their time at the training centre because they had lots of people to interact with. Ndumiso started Grade 2 on the 13th of January. We were all excited that he was finally going back to in person classes with physical distancing and all precautionary measures in place. He had been doing online school since the beginning of lockdown in March 2020 and was keen to be back at school.  We were happy because it meant we don't have to juggle home schooling and running the ministry intensive. Well, he went to school for 3 days when the Department of Basic Education suggested that the reopening of schools be postponed because the country was in the middle of a 2nd wave of Covid19 infections. That meant he was home for 2 weeks doing online school. He has been back at school since the beginning on February and he is enjoying it. 

GC2 Internship 

On the 10th of January we started our 6 week Intensive training with 7 ministry interns. It is always exciting to welcome a new group, get to know them and journey with them over 6 weeks. During the intensive we spend a whole lot of time praying together, doing devotions, having meals, doing household chores and ministry training classes. This allows us to get into each others' lives, hold one another accountable and challenge each other to be more like Jesus. A beautiful thing about community life is that we are all at different commitment levels so we can inspire and learn from one another. Yet another reality is that disciplemaking, like raising kids, is a messy process. We had our hands full, and we saw God at work. The interns were trained in the first two of our core modules and other J-Life supplementary training for being and making disciples. 

In the end, 6 weeks feels short because there was more to be done, issues to addressed, habits to challenge. We have to be reminded that we are only playing a tiny role in what God is doing in the lives of the interns. God was at work in their lives before they came to us, so we have to believe that "... he who began a good work in the lives of these interns will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6

Due to Covid19 restrictions we were unable to do practical ministry training, like service projects, schools ministry, etc. We were able however to have a few guest teachers come in to invest in the lives of the interns. We had Chris de Castro teach on Prayer and Hearing God's voice, Sifiso Nkosi taught Basics of Counselling Youth and Zak Mbete did an introduction to Apologetics. 

Scripture Union

Peter Nutall from Scripture Union spent 4 days equipping the interns for children, youth and schools ministries.  It was a huge blessing that Peter was able to travel and be with us in person. We appreciate him and Scripture Union for their partnership and investment into these young people. 

SU? For nearly 100 years Scripture Union has been at the forefront of bringing transformation in the lives of young people reaching them through Schools ministry, Holiday Bible clubs and Camps. J-Life partners with SU to bring this training to our trainees. The training given will enable our interns to run School Christian Groups and present life skills lessons in schools. Visit: to learn more about Scripture Union South Africa. 

Extra Pics

Nathi training on how to use sports to reach and disciple youth

Team building 

City People in the bush 😆

Team Building


Monday, 26 October 2020

Ministry Update

  Home Front 

Hi Friends and Family, thank you very much for your continued support for our family and ministry. Our hearts are full of praise to God, for His goodness towards us. We are grateful for His provision and protection. We are also grateful for you who stand with us and pray for our family and ministry.

We have recently moved from Camp Eden to live in Heidelberg. As I write, we have been here almost a week. We are slowly beginning to feel at home as we unpack the boxes and get to know our new surroundings. We are grateful to God for this place and we pray that He will give us opportunities to advance His Kingdom. 


We decided to keep Ndumiso at home and to continue with remote learning. We felt this will work better for our family as we are adjusting to our new home and getting ready to host our Youth Workers in November. He is a little bit behind, as we lost some time during the move but he is doing well. 

Ministry Opportunities

No doubt or denying that this has been a different year. Covid19 affected all plans and programs. With Youth Groups closed due to Covid19 restrictions, all our youth workers had to be creative in order to serve the youth of their church and communities. Here is some feedback from them.

Innocent - Villiersdorp, Western Cape

Innocent teaching in a school before Corona

Because not all communities have equal access to the internet, it was hard for Innocent to do online youth group or devotions. Praise God for his mentor who let him stay at his house (outside the township) so that he can join us in classes. As restrictions were loosened, Innocent was able to gather a small group. He is taking them through the Alpha course. He is finding that the youth are hungry for the Word. 

Sheldon - Salt River, Cape Town

Sheldon and the men he ministers with and to

From when I applied to do J-Life the aim was to move in and serve at Beth Uriel. Beth Uriel, “House of Light”, aims to provide young men from impoverished communities the chance to pursue meaningful, independent lives through a supportive living environment, connections to educational opportunities, positive social alternatives and life skill training.

Although I was nervous taking this big step, I have been comforted by seeing God’s hand on this home and seeing Him work in the lives of these boys. In doing life with these guys and hearing their stories, God has grown my heart and filled it with so much compassion towards them. I’ve grown to love these boys and I am hopeful for the bright future that each of these boys have ahead of them. 

My hope is that all the boys that haven’t made the decision to follow Jesus will come to know the love that God has for them and that we will continue to grow closer as a family that serves God. My hope is that we will be the house of light. 

Sam and Mekhail - Waterkloof, Pretoria

During Level 3 lockdown our team of youth workers were able to help out at Hatfield Christian School. Our sole purpose for working here is to help the teachers and lighten their load a bit. We do this by making them decent coffee, helping with break duties and ensuring physical distancing as kids leave after school. I have helped out in some classes because my passion is to teach children and I've had the privilege to observe and help out in classes while being at the school.

Tim - Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg

Lock down brought its challenges, but we decided to use this opportunity to have youth devotions 3 times a week, and then have youth on Friday evening all over Zoom. I was able to do a series on the Armor of God as well as a series on Joy! It's been great to watch the youth be willing to do devotions and get involved more than they used to. We got involved and did an online treasure hunt with the church.

We will share stories from the other interns in our next update


Lockdown and travel restrictions meant we move our second intensive online. We had lectures, bible studies, devotions and prayer meetings online. We learnt to keep in touch and journey with each other from a distance.  With inter provincial travel opened we plan to have an in person intensive 13 -28 November. We look forward to this time of fellowship, to build and encourage one another. We will make an effort to put boundaries in place and take precautionary measures to ensure everyone's safety. 

At the end of a tough year like this, we want to create an environment for the youth workers to get away, relax, reflect and get spiritual input. 

Prayer Points: 

Pray for us as we settle in our new home, that we may be light and salt in this community

Pray for the upcoming training intensive

Pray for wisdom as we plan for 2021

Pray for 2021 Youth Workers intake


Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Ministry during Lockdown

Greetings friends, family and ministry partners. 

Home Front   
Getting cold in Camp Eden

We having been spending A LOT of time at home:) South Africa went into a hard lockdown on the 26th March. Ndumiso's school started their holidays a few days earlier and we've all been home since then.
We are very grateful to live on Camp Eden at time like this. It is a great blessing to be able to have the kids play outside and enjoy the greater outdoors as a family.
Life in general is not that much different for us as a family, other than having both kids around for the whole day. 

Ndumiso's school went online at the beginning of the second term. So for the past 6 weeks and counting we have been homeschooling. He is doing well and coping with the schoolwork. They have one class on Zoom per week, and he enjoys seeing his school friends.

Ministry during lockdown

The lockdown has not changed much of what we do day to day. Our J-Life South Africa team is scattered across the country, so we were already using Zoom for team meetings and staff development. It has however affected visiting our trainees and conducting our disciplemaking training in churches. This has not been an easy hurdle.

GC2 Internship 2020
Training J-Life via Zoom

As the country is still on lockdown due to Covid19 we had to move our training online. We had our first training session over Zoo
m on the 11th May. Initially we are having 3 training sessions per week. We plan to add times of prayer, devotions and fellowship as we get used to this new normal. Praise God for technology that allows us to continue the journey with our Youth Workers.

Obviously we are new to the online format, so we are on a learning curve and finding our digital feet. That said we've had great training sessions, interaction and fun.

In addition to our training we have started a Book Club with the trainees. We aim to read a book together every 2 weeks. Interns will write a summary of each book highlighting their take away from the book and how they plan to implement what they've learned. So although we miss the fellowship of being together at Camp Eden (and the practical jokes), we are excited about the opportunities that come with doing things differently.

Regional Ministry

At our J-Life Summit in Cape Town this past February one of our southern Africa resolutions was a monthly prayer meeting via Zoom. Due to the pandemic we all felt it will be good to pray together more often. We have been gathering for prayer every second Friday. The J-Life countries in the region are Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and South Africa. In these prayer meetings we also take time to share best practices for doing ministry during these times. 

Before the pandemic I was planning to visit Lesotho in May to train a group of Pastors. The travelling plans are temporarily on pause. Please pray that we can deepen relationships with pastors in Lesotho and start with the training online. 


Covid19 has turned all the norms upside down. We all currently find ourselves living in a new abnormal. There is a lot of uncertainty about our lives, livelihoods, jobs and businesses. We will do well to pray for each other and our world. Please let us know any specific prayer request you have. We are praying for you.  

Jann and Ntando chilling

Friday, 6 March 2020

First Intensive

Home front
Its March already, where did the time GO!?!

As a family we are grateful to God for the countless opportunities He gives us to serve him by walking alongside young people. There is something about working with young people that revives your HOPE. When you see the talent, gifts, heart and potential these passionate young people have, you see a better tomorrow. We are also VERY grateful to you who support and pray for us. May the Lord bless you.

We are also grateful to the Lord for good health that allowed us to serve without any hiccups during this season. The boys are doing well.

A Community of Christ Followers... or A Bunch of Disciples

On the 11th of January we welcomed 10 J-Life Trainees on our GC2 Internship (GC2 = Great Commandment and Great Commission) and 3 Semester Abroad Students from Bethel University. Over the next 6 weeks this group of young people lived together at Camp Eden, our training centre.

Youth Workers
Of the 10 Youth Workers we had on our first training intensive,  8 are committed to finishing the year with us. The other 2 will serve at their churches and be involved in other internships throughout the year. The J-Life 2020 community was blessed to be part of Jordan and Mika's journeys, we wish them all the best on the rest of their Gap Year journey.

Please pray that we will have discernment and wisdom as we journey with our 8 Youth Workers. We realise that all of them are unique and at different stages of their journey, we need to meet each of them where they are. Pray also that the churches where they will be serving will provide a conducive environment for them to serve and grow.

Semester Abroad Students

This year we hosted our fourth Semester Abroad group of students from Bethel University in Indiana, USA. Bethel University has sent us a group every 2 years since 2014. The students spend their first month in South Africa being part our youth workers training programme participating in group devotion, prayer and selected classes. We also set time aside for them to read, learn a local language, write and submit assignments.  These 3 will spend the rest of their time in South Africa doing ministry in various communities in Cape Town.

Scripture Union

Between Bronwyn Sherry and Peter Nuttall our trainees received 5 days of Scripture Union training for Children and Youth Ministry. For nearly 100 years Scripture Union has been at the forefront of bringing transformation in the lives of young people reaching them through Schools ministry, Holiday Bible clubs and Camps. J-Life partners with SU to bring this training to our trainees. The training given will enable our interns to run School Christian Groups and present life skills lessons in schools. They also have the tools to plan and run a Holiday Bible Club for kids in their community.

Schools Ministry
After receiving training from Scripture Union armed with Lesson Plans from Ergo NowGen ( we took them to 2 different high schools in Balfour where they got to teach Life Skill lessons to Grade 8. It was beautiful to see them put into practise what they learnt. After teaching a class they got feedback from J-Life staff who went into the classes as observers.

J-Life Summit
J-Life Leaders and ministry partners

J-Life leaders from across the continent came together in Cape Town, South Africa to launch Vision 2030. We are all excited to see what the Lord will do through this movement in the next 10 years.  During the Summit we had time to set goals for our specific regions that will contribute to realising Vision 2030. We all went back home with a fresh commitment to making disciples who will make disciples who will make disciples. Please pray that these man and women will communicate this vision with clarity to their national teams and equip them for implementation.

I, Bhuti, attended the Regional Directors meeting (before and after the summit) where we planned on how we are going to implement this vision and track the fruits through accountability measures. Pray that we have wisdom to help country leaders stay on course through our coaching and accountability.

Extra Pictures:

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Ministry Update

Home front

The Kheswa household has been very busy this year. Two kids will do that!
Ndumiso had a good year at school. This was his Grade R year, next year he proceeds to Grade 1. With school and friends come other things like birthday parties, parent-teacher meetings and school fuctions. All new things for us.
Ntando had his first birthday in September. We can’t believe how fast time has gone by. He started walking soon after, which meant being able to explore even more. Toddlers are inadvertently always doing things that could kill them. So this keeps us (especially Jann) busy. It has been quite a challenge trying to balance work and home life.
We are grateful to God for providing for our family in countless ways. Our boys are a great joy to us and many others.

Youth Workers

We recently took our 2019 batch of youth workers on a year-end retreat and listened to stories of how God has worked in and through them in their respective churches and communities. One joy of this ministry that never gets old, is witnessing the growth that takes place in the lives of the trainees and how it shapes them for the future. Our biggest prayer is that they will catch a heart for disciplemaking and be equipped to live out their calling in every sphere of life.
All of this year’s trainees had as one of their highlights: Discipling the next generation. They had lots of highlights and lessons, but being able to invest in someone else was a common highlight. We met some of their disciples on STeM, our annual Short Term Mission, when our interns bring some of the youth they are working with.  

GC2 Group

Early this year we started a journey with Kingdom Come Church in Evander to train and equip their ministry leaders to implement a disciple making strategy in all their ministries. The lead pastor has a heart for holistic disciplemaking and is making every effort to equip and empower those God has entrusted to him. We have only done the first of 4 modules with this group and we are excited to see what God will do as we walk alongside them.


For Munya and the team in Zimbabwe the political climate and its accompanying economic issues  have made it difficult to travel and train across the country. This external factor led to a shift in focus. Munya sees these challenging times as an opportunity for him and the other movement builders to focus locally and establish model ministries. This means helping a local church implement a disciplemaking strategy.
In spite of these challenges, God has also provided genuine opportunities for the expansion of the movement into new areas.
Please pray for the nation of Zimbabwe to get through these economic hard times.


I (Bhuti) got to travel to Mozambique for their first ever J-Life National Summit. I stayed with Chico (J-Life Mozambique director) and his family. We had great time connecting in his context, which helped me understand work on the ground a little bit more than just reading reports. During the 2 day Summit I got to meet a lot of his team. The aim of the Summit was to encourage J-Life trainers to mobilise disciple making movements in their different regions. We spent time going over the terminology, internal processes, our disciplemaking curriculum and tools so that everyone is on the same page.

Partner visits

We personally hosted a group of youth from Waterbrook Bible Fellowship at Camp Eden. We had a great time with them. They were very eager to learn about South Africa – our history and its continued impact on our lives today. They spent some time serving in Ratanda, Ext 23 with our good friends, the Khubekas.
I also assisted with the visits from Hopewell Reformed Church to Cape Town, River City Community Church and their medical mission in Nigeria with Emem and Grace Community Church to the J-Life Centre with Joe.
In the new year we are hoping to establish a few more steady partnerships between a partner church and a J-Life country. Please contact me if you are interested in getting involved.

Thank you for all the support and prayers throughout 2019, looking forward to co-laboring in 2020.  

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Ministry Update

Home Front

Hi Friends and Family, thank you very much for your continued support for our family and ministry. Our hearts are full of praise to God, for His goodness towards us. We are grateful for His provision and protection. Ndumiso is doing well in school and mostly enjoys it except the waking up part. Ntando is just over 10 months old, he is very busy and bum shuffles across the house.

GC2 Group
Jann leading a session in Secunda.

After a long time of planning and journeying with pastor Tloome of Kingdom Come Ministries in Secunda, we finally got started on training. Over the next two years we will be journeying with these leaders through the J-Life training modules and coaching them for implementation. This process will include discipling these leaders and helping them make the necessary paradigm shifts in order to create a disciplemaking movement. Please pray that this training will help them in becoming a disciplemaking church.

GC2 Internship 2019
J-Life Trainees outside Mandela house in Soweto

The Internship is going well. We have the smallest group we have ever had on our Gap Year Programme since 2001 when it started. But it has turned out to be one of the best groups we've had. Most of our trainees this year serve in churches that are supportive and are being discipled by people who share our heart of discipleship.
Kids Camp 2019

On their second training intensive they got trained on camping ministry, by trainers from Scripture Union. The facilitators taught them how to plan and run a camp and helped them put together a programme for a camp. The trainees did a great job running a camp for 40 kids from surrounding communities. It was great to see them love on the kids and go an extra mile to give the kids a good time. Please pray that making disciples will become part of their life-style not just a Gap Year thing. 

Scripture Union South Africa offers brilliant training for Kids Ministry, Holiday Bible Club and Schools ministry. Visit for more information about this ministry.

Looking ahead

Please join us in prayer for the following:

  • We are hosting a missions group from Wylie,Texas 27 July - 2 August
  • Promoting J-Life at Amplify Conference. Pray for significant connections 30 - 31 July
  • Training Treverton Gap Year students 12 - 13 August
  • Bhuti traveling to Mozambique 27 August - 02 September
  • J-Life Mozambique National Summit 31 August - 01 September
  • Marketing and recruiting for GC2 Internship 2020

Wednesday, 28 November 2018


Our friends in the United States of America have a beautiful tradition of dedicating the 3rd Thursday in November as "Thanksgiving Day". And yes, just like every beautiful tradition, it gets over taken by other secondary activities i.e. Food, Football, Baseball, shopping etc.

As a family this year we are importing this practice. In November 2018 we certainly have a lot to be thankful for.

We are thankful for a healthy pregnancy.
We are thankful to the Lord for the birth and health of our son Ntando.
We are thankful for the healing and comfort from the Lord.
We are thankful that even in difficult moments the Lord is with us.
We are thankful for the fellowship of our community and family.

The last few months have been a mixture of emotions for us. Our joy of expecting our son was constantly interrupted by our grief. We had to revisit our loss, and we marvel at the healing that has taken place. We were able to have conversations about our fears and trust that the Lord will take us through. We are grateful that we serve a God who is always with us. We knew His presence and protection throughout this journey.

We are thankful to have a healthy baby. And believe me, everyday is like a milestone in our house. We have learnt to appreciate life, every minute is a blessing.

Ndumiso's first year of school has gone really well. The teachers are happy with his progress and he is doing well in class. He turned 5 on the 23rd of November and he performed in a school concert on the night of his birthday. He is enjoying having a younger brother and is very protective of him.

Some of the ministry update...

Youth Workers

In September/October we had our third and final intensive training with the Youth Workers. As part of this intensive they received training on how to organise and run a mission trip as a disciplemaking tool. They then went on a mission trip to Tsakane and served the local church and community.

Short Term Internship

From June to July we had 3 young people join us for our Short Term Internship (known as the 6 Weeks Programme). Participants get the J-Life disciple-makers training as well as hands on ministry as they run a camp for kids, holiday bible club and help as cabin counsellors at a sports camp for teenagers.

This is what Yadah one of the interns this year had to say about the programme:

My highlight from the 6-week internship was how God was freely able to use me in other people's lives. The entire internship taught me to love Christ and love people. He really highlighted the fact that life is not just about yourself and what you go through but that there are others that need to experience that same love that you are running after. Sometimes the only way people will experience the love of God is through you, therefore, it is not good to neglect the people that you encounter on a daily basis. It really challenged my priorities in life. Before I did the internship my mind was career based, but the internship highlighted a burden for vulnerable people which made me decide to not only pursue a career but also to be a person that makes a difference in the lives of people wherever I am.

Visiting Team

I, Jann, continue to enjoy serving J-Life Africa by helping our country leaders prepare and host teams. Our visiting teams are from partnering churches and/or organisations, and a crucial part of supporting and advancing the work of mobilising disciplemaking movements in Africa. We hosted two groups here at Camp Eden, one from Wylie, Texas and another from Urban Saints in the UK.
Cameroon and Zambia are due to have visiting teams early in the new year. Please pray that these will bear much fruit for everyone involved.

Regional Director

I, Bhuti, have continued to grow in my understanding of this role, also in supporting and holding my brothers accountable. This year Zimbabwe was added as another country I will be responsible for. Munya Takawira is the Country Leader for Zimbabwe. In this role I am coaching Chico, J-Life Mozambique and Munya of J-life Zimbabwe. Please pray for wisdom.  

Thank you for supporting our family and ministry. Please continue to lift us up in your prayers and let us know if you have any specific prayer request.